You're young, have recently graduated and are full of plans. You've just landed your first job and you'll soon be earning a regular income. So, do you go out and splash the cash or should you be more careful with your money? That choice is all yours to make now!
Don't forget that, while starting work entails additional costs, it also creates financial opportunities. Have your salary paid into an account at KBC and find out what benefits that has to offer. From now on it's you who decides what direction your future should take.
Check out the financial opportunities related to
Our free current account is ideal for all your day-to-day banking. If you want to get more from it, you can easily make add-ons, or you could consider opening a current account that's tailored to your needs.
For under 25s, that's the free young person's account. In practice, there's always something to suit every taste.

Whether it's a city trip, a new pair of sneakers or eating out at a fancy restaurant, there's nothing better than treating yourself to something special. Our credit cards are ideal for occasional use or for making large purchases. That way, you can pay off the full amount either on a set day in the month or over several months. And you receive additional protection too.
If you prefer to keep your spending under control, our prepaid card is a great solution, as you set a limit in advance on how much you can spend.
Our free savings account enables you to build up your savings at your own pace. You can access them at any time, which is really useful if you ever need to cover an unexpected expense.
Or if you'd rather save up for something special, you're totally free to do that too.
It's probably the last thing on your mind, but to enjoy a carefree retirement further down the line, you should start pension saving sooner rather than later.
Paying into a pension savings fund or a pension savings insurance plan enables you to set aside a financial reserve for later in life. Whether you've just started working or have been for years, saving for your retirement is worthwhile. Not only do you build up a capital sum for yourself, you get to benefit from tax relief too.
Now that interest rates are low, investing is one way of potentially getting more from your savings. And here's the reason why. If you start investing when you're 20, you'll have 15 investment years behind you by the time you reach 35.
The longer you can invest, therefore, the more worthwhile it becomes. What's more, there are a number of easy ways to set up an investment plan, including in KBC Mobile.
Going wherever you want or having a place of your own... who wouldn't want that? Unfortunately, it's not always easy getting there and often costs a packet. That's when a loan for your vehicle or new home definitely comes in handy. You then won't have to use up your savings all at once and means you always have something in reserve.
If your washing machine suddenly breaks down, you're planning a trip around the world or you've an expensive hobby, you can always take out a personal loan.